Farewell to Manzanar Part III, Chapter 22 Summary

Ten Thousand Voices

  • Jeanne's all grown up now, and married with three kids.
  • She's also the first in her family to graduate and marry outside of her race (to a Caucasian man).
  • Over the years she's learned to repress her memories of Manzanar so that it becomes almost like a dream to her; no one else really speaks about Manzanar either.
  • Once, after camp, an old white woman tells Kiyo and Jeanne to go back to Japan—another incident Jeanne and Kiyo never talk about to each other.
  • Then, in 1966, she meets a Caucasian woman who worked as a photographer at Manzanar for a year. The meeting gets Jeanne to start talking about Manzanar.
  • So in April 1972, Jeanne, her husband, and their three kids pile into the car and decide to visit Manzanar.
  • There isn't much there, just ruins and a lot of barren land. A lot of the gardens and buildings the internees created were cleared after camp closed, and the buildings left standing are leased to Los Angeles Power and Water District.
  • But Jeanne does manage to find a small memorial and gravesite for those who died at Manzanar as well as evidence of some of the rock gardens the internees created; she even thinks she maybe finds the one Papa made outside their barrack.
  • More importantly, she hears the voices of all those internees in the blowing wind, even her mother's, though she's been dead for several years at this point.
  • Her husband takes the kids back to the car because the wind and desert is no place for kids, but Jeanne stays on long enough to recall one final memory about Papa.
  • It's the day Papa decides to buy the sedan so they can drive to Los Angeles instead of leaving on the bus.
  • He orders her sister, mother, and her to get in the car for a quick joyride.
  • He's drunk and drives like a maniac—something Mama really doesn't appreciate—but for one brief moment, Papa's crazed look and reckless driving are things that Jeanne understands and has faith in.
  • His craziness is what makes her stop fearing the black clouds she sees on the horizon (both literally and figuratively); she even wants to laugh with him.
  • At the end, he turns back to the barracks yelling "No bus for us!"
  • They finally return and pack their stuff up to go.