Farewell to Manzanar Themes

Farewell to Manzanar Themes

Dreams, Hopes, and Plans

Farewell to Manzanar is all about dashed hopes, failed dreams, and foiled plans, so it's easy to presume that this book is going to be a downer through and through. But the book is also just as muc...


This book is all about putting family first, even when family is a code word for patriarch or father. But since the father in this book is deeply flawed, the major issue for Farewell to Manzanar re...

Freedom and Confinement

Ever been into a fun house with all those weird mirrors that distort everything? That's kind of what Japanese-American internment is all about in this book. You go into Farewell to Manzanar thinkin...


It's kind of a no-brainer to say that the internment of Japanese-Americans sprang from a nation's racial prejudice against the Japanese (and maybe Asians in general). But Farewell to Manzanar also...

Justice and Judgment

There's a reason why people say hindsight is 20/20. Making a good decision—having the judgment and perspective to do so—is a lot harder than hindsight makes it appear. Farewell to Manzanar does...

Foreignness and "The Other"

Farewell to Manzanar is all about how inescapable being a foreign "Other" is for the Japanese-American people, and the main members of the Wakatsuki clan all deal with the burden of feeling like th...


What kind of community can come out of a prison environment? No, this isn't coming from an episode of Orange is the New Black—it's a major concern and reality for the characters in Farewell to Ma...

Men and Masculinity

It's so misleading. You read that Farewell to Manzanar is an autobiography written by a woman who went through internment, so you figure that the book is going to be all about a Japanese-American g...

Women and Femininity

Reading Farewell to Manzanar is like getting a crash course in 1940s Japanese-American womanhood, with an emphasis on the hyphen. You get accounts of super-traditional Japanese ways of creating fem...