The Fault in Our Stars Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around The Fault in Our Stars? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. Why is Hazel so motivated to learn the ending of An Imperial Affliction?

She wants to know what will happen to her loved ones after she dies
She feels that she can't die peacefully without this knowledge
Gus spurs her on to figure out the ending
She thinks that she'll never become a writer until she figures out how her favorite book ends
Q. What symbolism does Hazel find in the "Heart of Jesus"?

The grace of God
The absurdity of existence
The connection between humans
The possibility of health
Q. Why are the Encouragements ultimately important?

They provide solace to Gus
They provide hilarity to Hazel
They provide comfort to Gus' parents
They provide encouragement to the support group
Q. Why is Gus so concerned about eulogies?

He doesn't want anyone badmouthing him after he dies
He feels robbed of his own heroic story
He wants his parents to be comforted after he dies
He wants to know how he'll be remembered
Q. Which symbol in the novel is described by Gus as "a metaphor"?

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