The Fault in Our Stars Mortality Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

There are a number of ways to establish someone's approximate survival expectations without actually asking. (2.9)

Hazel is, unfortunately, used to the issues of mortality. It's not unusual for her to think about survival expectations or the probability of death. But that doesn't make it any easier.

Quote #2

"I mean, I would just die—" and then stopped short, looking at me as if to say I'm sorry, as if it were a crime to mention death to the dying. (3.55)

Oh, awkward moments at the mall. We all say stuff like this, and it seems like Hazel recognizes that fact. She's not expecting people to completely change the way they think and talk just to be nice. Although wait a second… she kind of does that, doesn't she?

Quote #3

And yet still I worried. I liked being a person. I wanted to keep at it. Worry is yet another side effect of dying. (5.4)

Thinking about death can make any of us a little anxious. Actually dying, well, that's a whole different ballgame.