Fever, 1793 Chapter 9 Summary

September 2nd, 1793

  • Mother is, thankfully, not dead, so Grandfather and Mattie move her inside and put her in bed.
  • Grandfather insists that she simply fainted from the heat, but Matilda can tell something is really, really wrong.
  • Grandfather gets Mr. Rowley to have a look at Mother, even though the guy isn't really a doctor, has dirty hands, and reeks of rum. (Not promising.)
  • Mr. Rowley declares that Mother doesn't have yellow fever. He reveals that he's on the conservative side of the yellow fever debate and therefore uses the diagnosis sparingly.
  • Per doctor's orders, Matilda has to bathe her mother every four hours and keep her cool and clean. Lucille remains in a feverish haze, shivering and moaning.
  • That night Grandfather stays with Mr. Carris and Eliza leaves to go to her brother's family. Matilda is left alone with her mother.
  • Matilda tends to her patient, reads her Psalm book, and dozes off from time to time.
  • Mother awakes and begins vomiting black fluid. She tells Matilda get out of the room so that she doesn't get sick too.