The First Part Last Change Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

And she's so new. Been on the planet for only a few months. I been thinking about it a whole lot lately. I feel old. (19.3)

It's not that Bobby feels physically old (the lack of sleep could do that to anyone), but that his experiences make him feel older. Experience ages us and makes us more mature, but it also makes Bobby long for the innocence of his youth. It's a far cry from what he expected to happen when Nia got pregnant with Feather.

Quote #8

"Yeah, well I guess you know, Bobby. It gets better, though. I mean the crawling and first steps make you so happy. Then it freaks you 'cause you know they're slowly getting away from you and heading for the world." (21.13)

Like many other parents, Paul's caught between being happy his kids are growing up and fearful that they're growing up too fast. He understands that once kids come along, change is an inevitable part of life. Bobby is only just starting to realize this and just starting to acknowledge that, in some ways, it's better to actively change than to deal with change reactively.

Quote #9

It would all be back the way it was before, in a month. Nothing would have changed. We'd leave school and keep on going.

No baby in a month. (24.14-15)

When Bobby and Nia decide to give the baby up, Bobby thinks life will go back to the way it was. Is this a naïve view of the world? What will have definitely changed for him? What might present Bobby think of this statement?