Franny and Zooey Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Story.Section.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"I'm sick of just liking people. I wish to God I could meet somebody I respect." (Franny.2.53)

You can start to see why some people find the Glass family to be incredibly judgmental.

Quote #5

"And the worst part was I was usually sort of ashamed to be in the plays I was in. Especially in summer stock." She looked at Lane. "And I had good parts, so don't look at me that way. It wasn't that. It was just that I would've been ashamed if, say, anybody I respected – my brothers, for example – came and heard me deliver some of the lines I had to say. I used to write certain people and tell them not to come." (Franny.3.30)

Franny earlier claimed that she had a hard time meeting people she could respect, and this is the only time she mentions her brothers. She clearly esteems them more highly than anyone else in her life.

Quote #6

"Against my better judgment, I feel certain that somewhere very near here – the first house down the road, maybe – there's a good poet dying, but also somewhere very near here somebody's having a hilarious pint of pus taken from her lovely young body." (Zooey.3.6)

This is similar to Zooey's later sentiment when he watches the dog outside his window reunite with his master. Both brothers have recognized that there is humor, beauty, and joy in the world, despite their personal tragedies and endless cynicism.