


Character Role Analysis

Capt. Holmes and his toadies; Sgt. Judson

Captain Holmes is an antagonist both to Prewitt and to Warden. He provides Prewitt with his main obstacle in the form of "The Treatment" and is the husband of Warden's lover, Karen. Backing Holmes are his assorted toadies, like Sgt. Galovitch, who participates way too enthusiastically in the organized persecution of Prewitt. Of course Holmes eventually gets his comeuppance; he's forced to resign.

Sgt. Judson is an antagonist too, since he effectively murders the hero's best friend, and severely wounds Prewitt in a fight. But Judson gets his comeuppance when Prewitt murders him in return. However, since Judson's beef wasn't directly with Prewitt before that fight, he's kind of a secondary antagonist.