
We don't know if Bond fans go as far as kissing their Blu-ray box set and scribbling "From Russia, with love" across it, like Bond does with Tania's photo in the film, but they sure love From Russia with Love.

Although film critic Richard Round with The Guardian didn't love Russia as much as he loved Dr. No, the lifelong fans on the website seem to think From Russia With Love is 007's 001 adventure. One fan even called it "Sheer perfection" (source).

Pity Bond doesn't have any super gadget scissors in this film so we could use a "shear perfection" pun.

Anyway, Rolling Stone's Peter Travers gave Russia number two with a bullet (source) in his list of best Bonds, second only to Goldfinger. And the film buffs at Ranker crowned Russia as Terence Young's best film (source).

Some critics, though, don't have love for Russia, like Zina Hutton. The critic for The Mary Sue heavily criticizes From Russia with Love for being racist, misogynist and – maybe worst of all for a Bond film, boring (source).

Bond has his own international fan club, of course, and in the spirit of consumerism, there's a fansite where you can buy some of the cooler items Bond wears and uses in his films. Phonak Invisity Flex Miniature Receiver, anyone?