From Russia with Love Quiz Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around From Russia With Love? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. In From Russia with Love, who comes up with what he believes to be a foolproof plan to defeat Bond?

Q. What secret is Klebb keeping from Tania when she recruits the young agent?

Tania will betray Russia by actually working for SPECTRE.
Bond knows Tania is a double agent.
Klebb is really Tania's mother.
Bond girls never return for a second movie.
Q. How does Grant disguise himself to get into Bond's good graces on the Orient Express?

as a fellow MI6 agent
as a gadget expert
as one of Bey's many sons
as a hot Bond babe
Q. How do we see Grant train to defeat Bond?

He bench presses Bond mannequins.
He swims with sharks that have lasers on their heads.
He follows a man in a Bond mask through a hedge maze.
He watches a Betamax copy of Dr. No.
Q. How does Bond skillfully defeat the helicopter that is pursuing him?

He jumps on it and literally pulls it to the ground
He shoots the co-pilot after the man pulls the pin from his grenade
a rocket launcher
He throws a stick into the blades.