From the Earth to the Moon Visions of America Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

We all knows how American railways are constructed—with what capricious curves and steep inclines […] without any regard for the straight line. (14.5)

This is a perfect metaphor for the American mindset. Americans are not usually detail-oriented people—they've got their eyes on the big picture—but luckily, men like Barbicane are around to steady the ship… even though his attention to detail makes him suspect to his fellow citizens.

Quote #8

They think of humanity in general than in particular instances. (14.22)

While Verne is deeply concerned (in true French fashion) with the lives of individuals, Americans like Barbicane? Not so much.

Quote #9

The president was blamed; he was considered autocratic; his proceeding was styled un-American. (16.20)

In America, there's nothing worse than keeping secrets from your fellow citizens. After all, the country was founded on the idea that everyone deserves to have their voice heard.