Giants in the Earth Marriage Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Book.Chapter.Section.Paragraph)

Quote #4

…Useless even to dream of such a thing! Here was poor Beret, pottering helplessly about—he must think only of her. (

There are times when Per Hansa is willing to think only about Beret's happiness, but these are few and far between.

Quote #5

She had accepted the hand of Per Hansa because she must—although no law had compelled her; she and he were with child by him out of wedlock. (

The fact is that Beret and Per Hansa married out of necessity as much as love. In other words, Beret became pregnant before she and Per Hansa got married: bow chicka bow bow. So now she's convinced that her sin of having sex before marriage is destined to haunt her for the rest of her life.

Quote #6

She had bound herself inseparably to this man; now she was but a hindrance to him, like chains around his feet. (

Beret gets frustrated with Per Hansa a lot. But she also feels guilty for holding him back all the time. She knows that all he wants is to work his land and prove himself to the world. But she knows she'll never be happy living the kind of life he wants.