Giants in the Earth Marriage Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Book.Chapter.Section.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Per Hansa stood for a long time looking at his wife, hardly daring to believe what he saw. She slept peacefully; a small bundle lay beside her, from which peeped out a tiny, red, wrinkled face. (

Per Hansa has some moments of real tenderness with Beret. The unfortunate thing is that Beret is either asleep or absent for many of these moments, so Per Hansa tends to experience them alone.

Quote #8

And that Sunday afternoon he had married the couple! (

Tönseten is wracked with guilt over the fact that he performed a marriage ceremony on the Norwegian settlement, even though he's not a proper minister. He plans on confessing his sin to the new minister and hopes he won't have to burn in hell for what he's done.

Quote #9

You see, this fellow, Johannes Mörstad, and his wife, they couldn't wait any longer—they should have been married long before, for that matter. And so they pounced upon me! (

Tönseten tries to blame the young couple he married for forcing him into sin. But little does he know that the new minister doesn't really care who performed the marriage ceremonies in the past. The fact is that it's better for people to be married by a non-minister than to live in sin and not marry at all, according to this man.