Gigi Coming of Age Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Gigi.

Quote #1

HONORÉ (singing): Thank heaven for little girls, for little girls get bigger every day [...]

This may just be one of the most controversial songs in the history of movie musicals. Some people are totally creeped out by the dirty-old-man idea of singing about the appeal of little girls; others are telling them to get over it, it's France, it's 1900, and he only likes little girls because they grow up, for Pete's sake. Anyway, the song lets us know that we're about to see one of those little girls get bigger. Every day.

Quote #2

MADAM ALVAREZ: Gigi, where have you been?

GIGI: Playing in the park. I had to, Grandmama. My foot fell asleep in Latin class and I couldn't get it to wake up.

This is our first look at Gigi, and she seems about six-years-old here with this mischievous excuse. Even if she's a teen, she's young enough for her grandmother to worry when she's late.

Quote #3

AUNT ALICIA: Do you know what love is made of?

GIGI: Cigars and jewelry?

GIGI (singing): I don't understand the Parisians,
/wasting every lovely night on romance.

Gigi sings an entire number about how she just doesn't get the appeal of romance and love when there are so many other fun things to do. The song gives us two important pieces of info: first, she's too young to understand. Second, she's been paying very close attention.