
Gigi may have loved her kitty, but that kitty did not love her. In fact, it had to be sedated into compliance each time the script called for Leslie Caron to pick the poor thing up. Someone call PETA! (Source)

Gigi's colorful world has honest, historical DNA: the movie's cinematographer, Joseph Ruttenberg, worked with George Eastman (of Eastman-Kodak fame) to develop color film technology. (Source)

It's a popular criticism that Gigi is a bit too much like Lerner and Loewe's other major hit, My Fair Lady. Lerner knew this, and worried about it. But producer Alan Freed didn't want to mess with success, saying "Stop trying to be different. You don't have to be different to be good. To be good is different enough." (Source)

The cover of rock dynasty Pink Floyd's 1969 album Ummagumma features a picture of the band, with foam cut-outs letter spelling their name...and the album sleeve for the movie soundtrack of Gigi leaning against the wall just beyond. An old roadie named Albert Magoolie took credit for it, telling a story about how the original foam letter "k" got crushed, and bassist Roger Waters had more foam in the van, thanks to the protective packaging of you-know-what. Believe the back-story or not, the album's there, clear as day. (Source)