Gilead The Home Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Letter.Section.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"It feels a little like returning to the scene of a crime." (1.16.45)

Gilead isn't home to Jack. At least, he doesn't feel at home there. Did he ever feel that Gilead was home? Did that change after he got into trouble?

Quote #5

"[A settled life] was the one thing I wanted. I used to look in people's windows at night and wonder what it was like." (1.16.59)

More than anything, Lila wanted a settled home. She found it with John Ames, and that's why she was willing and happy to marry a man much older than she was.

Quote #6

This morning a splendid dawn passed over our house on its way to Kansas. (1.20.14)

Like the passing dawn, the home is only temporary, even if you lives your whole life in one place. For Ames, perhaps the only real home is with God.