Gilead Old Age Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Letter.Section.Paragraph)

Quote #7

How I wish you could have known me in my strength. (1.7.76)

The memories Ames's son will have of him will not be memories of a young, active father. Ames once was that man, but he grew old long before his son came into existence.

Quote #8

Remembering my youth makes me aware that I never really had enough of it, it was over before I was done with it. (1.7.136)

Take advantage of your youth while you have it: time moves more quickly the older you get.

Quote #9

The fact is, I don't want to be old. And I certainly don't want to be dead. I don't want to be the tremulous coot you barely remember. (1.14.4)

A Christian man, Ames believes in heaven and in resurrection, but his beliefs don't make him any more welcoming of old age. He misses his youth, and he will miss his wife and son once he's gone.