Isolation Quotes in The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph). We used Reg Keeland/a.k.a. Steven T. Murray's English language translation.

Quote #7

The exact wording states that the guardian shall take over all the client's legal powers. In Sweden, approximately 4000 people are under guardianship. (12.5)

Salander's legal status isolates her from the rest of society. This quote shows that guardianship in Sweden (population nine million) is rare. Salander is a minority in this way.

Quote #8

[…] her only remaining action was to do what she had always done – take matters into her own hands and solve her problems on her own. (12.199)

Salander doesn't know Blomkvist yet when she takes on Bjurman, but what might his plan have been if she'd known him and confided in him? Remember this is before Bjurman rapes her in his apartment.

Quote #9

The message was written in all caps over five lines that covered his belly, from his nipples to just above his genitals: I AM A SADISTIC PIG, A PERVERT, AND A RAPIST. (14.93)

Salander is definitely trying to isolate Bjurman with these tattoos. No more swimming shirtless. The shame of it isolates him emotionally.