The Glass Menagerie Deception and Lies Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Scene.Line). Every time a character talks counts as one line, even if what they say turns into a big long monologue.

Quote #10

[in a tone of frightened apology]: "I'm crippled!"

"Nonsense, Laura, I've told you never, never to use that word. Why, you’re not crippled, you just have a little defect – hardly noticeable, even! When people have some slight disadvantage like that, they cultivate other things to male up for it – develop charm – and vivacity – and – charm! That’s all you have to do!" (2.47-2.50, Laura and Amanda).

Amanda is blinded by a mother’s love to the actualities of Laura’s situation.

Quote #11

"Let me tell you—" "I don’t want to hear anymore!" (3.20, 3.21, Amanda and Tom).

Tom chooses to forcibly shut out reality, choosing instead to escape to the movies.

Quote #12

[with great enthusiasm]: "Try and you will succeed! [The notion makes her breathless.] Why, you - you're just full of natural endowments! Both of my children-they're unusual children! Don't you think I know it? I'm so-proud! Happy and-feel I've-so much to be thankful for…" (4.39, Amanda).

Amanda deludes herself into thinking that matters are far better than they actually are.