The Glass Menagerie Dreams, Hopes, and Plans Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Scene.Line). Every time a character talks counts as one line, even if what they say turns into a big long monologue.

Quote #16

"My signature isn’t worth very much right now. But some day—maybe—it will increase in value! Being disappointed is one thing and being discouraged is something else. I am disappointed but I am not discouraged." (7.158, Jim).

Jim’s idealism toward the future reflects the American Dream of progress and growth.

Quote #17

"Because I believe in the future of television! I wish to be ready to go up right along with it. Therefore I’m planning to get in on the ground floor. In fact I’ve already made the right connections and all that remains is for the industry itself to get under way! Full steam…Knowledge—Zzzzzp! Money—Zzzzzzp!—Power! That’s the cycle democracy is built on!" (7.192, Jim).

Jim’s idealism toward the future reflects the American Dream of progress and growth.

Quote #18

"Well, now that you’ve found your way, I want you to be a very frequent caller! Not just occasional but all the time. Oh, we’re going to have a lot of gay times together! I see them coming!" (7.282, Amanda).

Amanda’s character is made more tragic by her unfounded optimism.