Godzilla Quiz Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Godzilla? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. What famous Japanese monster is said to be a dinosaur powered by nuclear fallout?

King Ghidora
Q. What weapon of mass destruction is used to defeat Godzilla?

An H-bomb
Jet fighters
The Oxygen Destroyer
Q. What is one of the first clues found to Godzilla's prehistoric origins?

Readings of radioactive material in his footprint
Fossils, duh
Carbon-dating a scale
DNA analysis
Q. What weapons of modern warfare have no effect on Godzilla?

Jet fighters
Nerve gas
Q. What does Godzilla use to lay waste to Tokyo?

Krav maga moves
Atomic breath
Sonic screams
Heat vision