Lies and Deceit Quotes in Gone Girl

How we cite our quotes: Chapter.Paragraph

Quote #7

For Nick, lying isn't just a defensive mechanism—it's a necessity for keeping people unaware of the fact that he's a flawed person. It's interesting to note that he and Amy have the same problem—they're both perfectionists to an unhealthy degree. The difference is that they manifest it differently: Nick through the masking of emotions and Amy through deception. Both, we suppose, are pretty much forms of dishonesty.

Quote #8

Don't fret, we'll sort this out: the true and the not true and the might as well be true. (30.3)

If you want to talk about lies, let's talk about the gigantic whopper Amy orchestrates when she fakes her disappearance. She pretends to be another person for an entire year, writes a fake diary, tells her neighbor awful Nick abuse stories, and then pretends to be another different person when she goes into hiding. Now that's commitment to deception.

Quote #9

"The bigger the lie, the more they believe it." (55.115-117)

This is not only the sociopath's maxim, but also pretty much Amy's philosophy of life. There aren't enough quote blurbs in the world to describe all the ways she crafts gigantic lies that take advantage of, set up, and even kill people who have dared to get in her way. As if that's not enough, she makes her lies totally foolproof, even to the point of physically harming herself, as in the cases of Hilary Handy, Jacqueline Collings, and Tommy O'Hara.