Manipulation Quotes in Gone Girl

How we cite our quotes: Chapter.Paragraph

Quote #10

One day I will wear him down, I will catch him off guard, and he will love the energy for the nightly battle, and he will get into bed with me. In the middle of the night, I'll turn to face him and press myself against him. I'll hold myself to him like a climbing, coiling vine until I have invaded every part of him and made him mine. (58.18)

Amy initially returns home expecting that the Nick she saw on the webcam and Sharon Schieber—the guy pleading with her to come back, promising to be the best hubby ever—is the Nick she's going to get. When she realizes that he actually hates her guts (with good reason), she begins yet another plot to control him, this time in person. By getting pregnant at the end of the book, she knows she's got Nick for good. The goal she sets out in this passage is accomplished.