Goodbye, Columbus Love Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"What do you look like?"

"May I come see you tonight and show you?" (1.54-1.55)

Brenda probably did remember Neil from earlier when he held her glasses. Otherwise, would she have let him pick her up? In any case, these romantic words are the beginning of a passionate summer romance. Trust us, it could have been way more awkward, like "I think you have something between your teeth," or something like that.

Quote #2

I didn't care for anything but Brenda. (2.22)

Neil is falling hard. Remember—this is only day two of their relationship.

Quote #3

We whipped our strangeness and newness into a froth that resembled love, and we dare not play with it too long, talk too much of it, or it would flatten and fizzle away. (2.53)

Neil tries hard throughout the story to describe and understand what love is and what it is not. Stylistically, these lines do a great job of describing that feeling people get when they might be on the brink of love—hopelessly elated.