Goodbye, Columbus Morality and Ethics Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Paragraph)

Quote #1

[...] "from the cutest little shvartze when we docked at Barbados" (2.1)

Shvartze is Hebrew for black, and there is a debate over whether it is offensive to refer to a person in this way. The woman Neil hears saying this bought something from a black child (probably) in an "exotic" location. Also, did you notice? This moment totally foreshadows the arrival of the black boy and his interest in Paul Gauguin's art set in Tahiti.

Quote #2

I knew Mr. Patimkin would never have bothered to have the stone cut from his face, and yet, with joy and pride, no doubt, had paid to have Brenda's diamond removed and dropped down some toilet […]. (2.171)

Neil thinks that getting a nose job to look less Jewish is akin to not recognizing the beauty of Jewish heritage and throwing away something valuable.

Quote #3

"Did you let her win?"

"I think so […]. I'm not sure."

"Even Ron lets her win." (2.81-2.183)

It scares Neil a little that everybody lets Julie win. The girl gets mad when she loses, because she's been taught that she's entitled to win. It's surprising that a family so into sports wouldn't teach Julie to be a good sport.