Graceling Chapter 6 Summary

  • When they arrive in Randa's court, Raffin runs out to greet them. His hair is blue thanks to his newest attempt at herbal remedies—he was aiming to develop a cure for headaches, but results thus far (blue hair and not much else) have been inconclusive.
  • Katsa asks about Tealiff and learns he hasn't awakened yet. Then she asks if Raffin knows anything about a Lienid noble Graced with fighting, and Raffin essentially says, "You mean Prince Greening Grandemalion? Yeah, he's over there."
  • Ack—the Lienid fighter has been snooping around Randa's court for the last day or two. Apparently he's searching for his kidnapped grandfather.
  • Katsa isn't sure what to make of this Prince GG, but she's even more disturbed by the fact that she's been ordered by the king to dress for dinner. Royal dresses and intricate hairstyles aren't exactly her thing.
  • She's trying to stall when she notices the strange Lienid prince. He's watching her from a balcony on the next floor, and Katsa is arrested by his strange eyes: one silver, one gold, both intense.
  • Katsa knows she's staring and knows she should move, but she can't. When the Lienid man raises his eyebrows and smirks at her, she finds him cocky and arrogant. She also finds her ability to move her feet, and she uses it.