Graceling Resources


This Is My Secret

Although we guess it's not much of a secret anymore… Check out Kristin Cashore's blog for info on her books, her appearances, and her "weird blogging behavior explained," among other things.

Graceling at Houghton Mifflin Harcourt

Here's the publisher's page for Graceling, featuring an interesting book trailer made by… well, it's unclear actually.

Recommend Graceling to a Friend with BookBrowse

With permission from publishers, BookBrowse offers free excerpts from books, and they've got the first seven or so pages from Graceling so you can get a friend hooked without lending them your copy.


Kristin Cashore By the Book in the NY Times

A regular feature in the NYT, this interview from July of 2012 features Kristin Cashore.


Think Graceling is anti-marriage? Think it's not? Find out what Kristin Cashore thinks about the subject.

Shelf Elf Interview

What inspires Kristin Cashore? What does her workspace look like? What Grace does she find most terrifying? Get those answers and plenty more in this interview. (Conducted by a shelf elf, no less.)


KC Intros Her Books

At a reading for her novel Bitterblue, Cashore gives a basic intro to her books in which she mentions that they take place in a world with nine kingdoms. Yep, we said nine. And so did she. Looks like we might need to read some sequels/prequels.


Behind the Mic: Graceling

This is kind of cool. It's a look at the folks from Full Cast Audio recording their version of Graceling. Remember, it's audio, so these folks don't have to look like the characters. They just have to sound like them. For that reason, we almost think this plays better with your eyes closed.

Pierce on Katsa

Also from Full Cast Audio, Tamora Pierce talks about Graceling! (And yes, that sentence deserves an exclamation point.)


Graceling Eyes

Kristen Cashore's novel has inspired more than a few renderings of dichromatic eyes on platforms like Could these be Katsa's eyes?

Wondering What the Author Looks Like?

Wonder no more. Here's a photo of Kristin Cashore at the 2012 Texas Book Festival.

The Danish Cover

This is one of our favorites of the nineteen distinct covers for Graceling. The Danes took a pretty artsy approach. See what you think, and then see how many of the other eighteen covers you can find online.