Gremlins Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Gremlins.

Quote #1

RAND: I was trying to move a little merchandise maybe find a present for my kid.

Does Rand know his son well? Does he pick out a good gift for Billy, if we ignore the murderous rampage side effect? Or does his action show the irresponsibility of some parents buying random gifts for their kids?

Quote #2

GERALD: Look at you. You're practically supporting your whole family.

The family issues in this movie are subtle, and speak to the larger culture of suburbia. Gerald, the bank boss, is a pompous yuppie, who looks down on Billy for having to work to support his family. Billy's working class family doesn't exactly fit into the suburban utopian stereotype.

Quote #3

BILLY: Is something wrong?

MOM: No, it's a sad movie.

Mom's watching It's a Wonderful Life, but she's really crying because her family life isn't wonderful. Here we get another suggestion of the stress lying beneath the surface of the Peltzer family. Mom's stressed because dad is a failed inventor, and the family is struggling financially. The last thing they need is for him to be bringing home expensive Xmas gifts. If Dad had brought the family a hug and a card, none of the terror would have happened.