Gremlins Violence Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Gremlins.

Quote #1

MRS. DEAGLE: I'll catch the beast myself. Then he'll get what he deserves. A slow, painful death. Maybe I'll put him in my spin dryer on high heat.

Mrs. Deagle is one of the few violent human characters. She's like a human gremlin, threatening to harm Billy's dog. Someone check the back of her head for a zipper. She might be gremlins in a human suit. (Hey, there's an idea for a sequel.)

Quote #2

[STRIPE bites Pete's finger.]

It's just a little nip, but right away you know that Stripe means trouble. Gizmo is peaceful and never tries to harm anyone. But Stripe is a troublemaker even when he's still a cute little fuzzball.

Quote #3

[BILLY finds BARNEY tied up with Christmas lights.]

The bad mogwai, Stripe and his gang, are initially pranksters, rather than outright violent. But when they mutate into bigger creatures with sharper claws, things get dangerous. Always have your mogwai declawed.