Gremlins Foreignness and the Other Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Gremlins.

Quote #1

RAND: Are these things real?

KID: I told you. Everything's real.

Rand is a guy who made an electronic chicken to crack eggs, yet he thinks the stuff in this shop is weird or fake? How rude.

Quote #2

MR. FUTTERMAN: These goddamn foreign cars, they always freeze up on you. You don't find American machinery doing that. Our stuff can take anything. See that plow? Fifteen years old. Hasn't given me a day's trouble in fifteen years.

Mr. Futterman is a little xenophobic, yes, but his anti-foreign vehicle commentary is dripping with both irony and foreshadowing. Mr. Futterman gets run over by his own American plow when it's taken over by gremlins.

Quote #3

PETE: Hey, look, that one's got a cute little stripe on its head.

Pete's the youngest character in the movie, and youngsters are generally more accepting of foreignness and change. Pete thinks Stripe's adorable… until it bites him. Maybe these foreign creatures are dangerous after all.