The Diary of Anne Frank (play) Perseverance Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Act.Scene.Line)

Quote #1

MR. FRANK: No trash must ever be thrown out which might reveal that someone is living here… not even a potato paring. We must burn everything in the stove at night. This is the way we must live until it is over, if we are to survive. (1.2)

Mr. Frank's rules are meant to be followed… if everyone wants to live through this.

Quote #2

MR. FRANK: Always remember this, Anneke. There are no walls, there are no bolts, no locks that anyone can put on your mind. (1.2)

Mr. Frank's advice on how to escape the isolation and complete dreariness of being cooped up in the Annex makes a lot of sense. Actually, it's pretty fantastic advice for any situation.

Quote #3

MR. KRALER: Dirk… Miep's Dirk, you know, came to me just now. He tells me that he has a Jewish friend living near him. A dentist. He says he's in trouble. He begged me, could I do anything for this man—could I find him a hiding place? (1.2)

The survival of many Jews during the Holocaust depended on the kindness and courage of others who were willing to risk their lives to hide them. Mr. Kraler is one of those heroes.