The Diary of Anne Frank (play) Love Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Act.Scene.Line)

Quote #1

MIEP: Don't stay up here, Mr. Frank. What's the use of torturing yourself like this? (1.1)

Miep is such a sweet good-natured soul. She's terribly hurt that Mr. Frank has to come back to the Annex and relive the memories, especially after he's lost his whole family.

Quote #2

ANNE: Do you know Jopie deWaal?... Jopie's my best friend. (1.2)

Anne's love for her friends is particularly apparent when she talks about Jopie.

Quote #3

MRS. VAN DAAN: It's all right… but be careful with it. My father gave me that the year before he died. He always bought the best that money could buy. (1.2)

Mrs. Van Daan loves that fur coat. We're sure PETA would be after her if they could find her. But does she really love it because it reminds her of her dad or because it's a status symbol?