The Diary of Anne Frank (play) Warfare Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Act.Scene.Line)

Quote #1

ANNE'S VOICE: Then things got very bad for the Jews. (1.1)

Anne relates the background reasons why she and her family are hiding in the attic. With the advent of the Holocaust, it wasn't safe for Jewish people to live in most parts of Europe.

Quote #2

ANNE'S VOICE: We had to wear yellow stars. (1.1)

Anne tells us in her diary that Jewish citizens had to have the Star of David sewn on their clothes so they could be "identified" by the Nazis and have their rights taken away.

Quote #3

MR. DUSSEL: They get their call-up notice… bring only what you can carry in a rucksack. And if you refuse the call-up notice, then they come and drag you from your home and ship you off to Mauthausen. The death camp! (1.3)

Mr. Dussel tells the Annex residents what he's actually seen on the outside, and it's not pretty.