Hard Love Fear Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

You could hear a couple of canine killers scratching and moaning at nearby doors, hoping for a chance to get free and dismember us, but it didn't scare me nearly as much as thinking Marisol would never say she loved me. Finally she grabbed my arm firmly with both her hands, which, for some reason, hurt almost as much as the slaps across the face. (12.108)

When John finally comes clean with Marisol about his feelings for her, he's scared about what she'll feel… even more scared than getting beat up or bullied. For him, admitting he's not as immune to emotion as he wants to believe he is is frightening.

Quote #8

"Of course I love Al, but sometimes I get a little… afraid." She drew imaginary circles with her finger on her skirt. "You don't think he'd do what your father did, do you?" (14.23)

John's mom is just as scared of getting hurt again as he is, only she's actually able to admit it. Sometimes John seems to want his mom to figure this stuff out by herself. He gets that she's scared of change, but he shouldn't be the one to help his mom through that.

Quote #9

"I liked the poem, Gio."

"You did? You liked it?"

She nodded. "It scared me a little, but that's all right. It was true." She laughed lightly. "How did this happen?" (16.27)

When John reads his poem out loud, everyone cheers for him… everyone except Marisol. She's more scared than excited by what he shares in his poem, and even though they know each very well, Marisol still doesn't know John well enough to anticipate just how scary his thoughts can be.