Family Quotes in Harry Potter and the Cursed Child

How we cite our quotes: (Act.Scene.Line)

Quote #7

DRACO: He's my sole heir… He's my—only family. (1.17.32)

Draco cares deeply for his son because he's his "only family." We guess that means he's not in contact with his Death Eater father for whatever reason. But we think Draco is better off without him. Sometimes breaking up with a parent is the best decision.

Quote #8

DRACO: My father thought he was protecting me. (2.15.12)

Hmm, speaking of breaking up with a parent, this line makes us think that Harry is basically Lucius Malfoy. Harry thinks he's protecting Albus by forbidding him to see his best friend, but Harry is making his life worse.

Quote #9

SCORPIUS: Albus, whatever you've got to prove to your dad—this isn't the way. (2.16.44)

Is Scorpius suggesting that there is another way for Albus to prove something to his dad? What would Albus have to prove? Or is Scorpius trying to say that Albus doesn't need to prove anything to Harry?