Lies and Deceit Quotes in Harry Potter and the Cursed Child

How we cite our quotes: (Act.Scene.Line)

Quote #4

HARRY: I'm not keeping them apart. (2.13.13)

Harry lies to Draco when he tells them he's not keeping Albus and Scorpius apart. He explicitly told Albus to stay away from Scorpius. Why does he lie to Draco about this?

Quote #5

ALBUS: I don't have anything to prove to my dad. (2.14.45)

Albus is now trying to fix his past mistakes. Is Albus telling the truth here, or is he deceiving himself?

Quote #6

ALBUS: I'm pretty sure you told everyone that was on the bottom of a lake. (3.14.31)

Why does Scorpius lie about the Time-Turner? It's irresponsible of him to keep it, but his keeping it does eventually lead to closure for everyone involved in the plot of the play.