Henry IV Part 2: Act 5, Scene 4 Translation

A side-by-side translation of Act 5, Scene 4 of Henry IV Part 2 from the original Shakespeare into modern English.

  Original Text

 Translated Text

  Source: Folger Shakespeare Library

Enter Hostess Quickly, Doll Tearsheet, and Beadles.

HOSTESS No, thou arrant knave. I would to God that I
might die, that I might have thee hanged. Thou hast
drawn my shoulder out of joint.

BEADLE The Constables have delivered her over to me,
and she shall have whipping cheer enough, I 5
warrant her. There hath been a man or two lately
killed about her.

DOLL Nut-hook, nut-hook, you lie! Come on, I’ll tell
thee what, thou damned tripe-visaged rascal: an the
child I now go with do miscarry, thou wert better 10
thou hadst struck thy mother, thou paper-faced

On a street in London, two Beadles (officers) tussle with Mistress Quickly and Doll Tearsheet, who are being arrested for their involvement in murder.

Quickly struggles with one of the officers and Tearsheet announces that she's pregnant. If she has a miscarriage, she says, it'll be the officers' fault.

HOSTESS O the Lord, that Sir John were come! I would
make this a bloody day to somebody. But I pray God
the fruit of her womb might miscarry. 15

BEADLE If it do, you shall have a dozen of cushions
again; you have but eleven now. Come, I charge you
both go with me, for the man is dead that you and
Pistol beat amongst you.

DOLL I’ll tell you what, you thin man in a censer, I will 20
have you as soundly swinged for this, you bluebottle
rogue, you filthy famished correctioner. If you be
not swinged, I’ll forswear half-kirtles.

BEADLE Come, come, you she-knight-errant, come.

HOSTESS O God, that right should thus overcome 25
might! Well, of sufferance comes ease.

DOLL Come, you rogue, come, bring me to a justice.

HOSTESS Ay, come, you starved bloodhound.

DOLL Goodman Death, Goodman Bones!

HOSTESS Thou atomy, thou! 30

DOLL Come, you thin thing, come, you rascal.

BEADLE Very well.

They exit.

The first officer accuses Doll Tearsheet of stuffing her dress with pillows to fake a pregnancy and accuses the two women of beating a man to death with the help of Pistol.

There's more struggling and lots of name calling. Doll Tearsheet demands to see a Justice of the Peace and the officers drag the women off stage.

Note: If you're wondering if you missed something, you haven't. This is the first time we've heard anything about the women being involved in a murder.