Here We Are Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Here We Are? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. When they get to New York, and the husband suggests they go to a show, what does the wife say she needs to do?

write some letters
return some videotapes
write in her journal
hit the gym
Q. What does the husband say about how the wife's friend Louise looked?

"She was sizzlin'… Smokin'…. Totally on fi-i-i-ire!!"
"She was one hot potato, I'll tell ya."
"She's the kinda dame who can shoot pool and throw dice—a real winner."
"She'd have knocked anybody's eye out."
Q. What does the husband take an excessively long time to do at the beginning of the story?

brush his teeth
store their luggage in the train compartment
tap dance
Q. What's the name of the wife's sister?
