Herzog Marriage Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"No, while you were still married." Zelda's mouth tightened. (2.61).

Aunt Zelda isn't blind. She knows that Herzog probably cheated on Madeleine while he was married to her, and this makes him much less of a victim in the eyes of us readers. The book never totally confirms the accusation, but Herzog's reaction suggests there might be something to it.

Quote #8

Phoebe had only one business in life, on aim, to keep her husband and protect her child. (2.204)

Phoebe Gersbach knows deep down that her husband Val is cheating on her. But she'll do whatever it takes to make sure her marriage to him doesn't end. Even when he flaunts the affair in front of her, she won't give in. To her, family duty trumps personal feelings.

Quote #9

He exclaimed mentally, Marry me! Be my wife! End my troubles!—and was staggered by his rashness, his weakness, and by the characteristic nature of such an outburst, for he saw how very neurotic and typical it was. (3.4)

Herzog knows that Ramona is an easy answer to all his problems. She's beautiful, she worships him, and he's totally on the rebound. But deep down, he knows he'd only be asking for trouble if he dove headfirst into a marriage with her.