Alien and Sedition Acts Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Alien and Sedition Acts? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. What political situation helped spur Adams and his Federalist Congress to pass the Alien and Sedition Acts?

The Quasi-War with France.
The War of 1812 with England.
Increased immigration from France, Ireland, and Mexico.
The formation of the Avengers by Nick Fury.
Q. Which one of the Alien and Sedition Acts was used to justify the internment of Japanese-American people during World War II?

Naturalization Act
Sedition Act
We Are Gigantic Racists Act
Alien Enemies Act
Q. Which two Founding Fathers penned the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions?

Adams and Madison
Edward and Jacob
Jefferson and Madison
Washington and Jefferson
Q. What unintended consequence did the Kentucky Resolution have?

The vague language meant that the United States no longer needed Congressional approval to declare war.
The resolution outlined the concept of judicial review, making the Supreme Court much more powerful.
It allowed the president to wrestle professionally, so long as his opponent didn't outweigh him by more than 200 pounds.
The concept of Nullification provided a legal justification for secession and thus the Civil War.
Q. Why were none of the Alien and Sedition Acts declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court?

The concept of judicial review did not exist yet.
The Court was packed by Adams and Washington, with Federalist allies.
The Supreme Court was in recess when they were enacted.
The Supreme Court was partying down in Cabo and couldn't be reached.