Alien and Sedition Acts Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Alien and Sedition Acts? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. What were the political parties of Adams and Jefferson, respectively?

Democratic-Republican and Federalist
Anti-Mason and Know Nothing
Federalist and Democratic-Republican
Whig and Democratic-Republican
Q. What important document was Jefferson the principal author of?

Revolution for Dummies
The Declaration of Independence
The Constitution
The Bill of Rights
Q. What was Adams famous for while practicing law in Massachusetts Colony?

Defending the patriots involved in the Boston Tea Party.
Prosecuting Thomas Jefferson for income tax evasion.
Suing a wigmaker for, "making my head look like this."
Defending the soldiers involved in the Boston Massacre.
Q. When James Madison was president, what war was the United States fighting?

The War of 1812
The Quasi-War
The American Revolution
Star Wars
Q. Which signer of the Alien and Sedition Acts was, ironically, charged with treason?

Jonathan Dayton
John Adams
Theodore Sedgwick
Pibull featuring Ke$ha