Alien and Sedition Acts: Resources


Brief Overview

This gives a nice overview of what the Acts did. The links kind of put them in context, too.

Movie or TV Productions

John Adams

The defining TV depiction of the second president. Adams tends to get passed over in favor of the more famous two-term names that surround him. But in this miniseries, he's the main character.

Articles and Interviews

So what's all this Alien and Sedition stuff?

Just read this article. That will update you.

Who Got Busted

Here's a list of people who got charged with violating the acts.


John Adams discusses the acts.

In this clip from HBO's John Adams miniseries, Adams first debates the need for the acts, then talks it over with Thomas Jefferson. And yes, Jefferson is totally Stannis Baratheon.

A Short Overview

You know all this stuff already, but it can't hurt.


John Adams

He kind of looks like someone's chubby uncle.

Thomas Jefferson

This is how he looked in 1800, right around when the Alien and Sedition Acts were signed.

James Madison

Our smallest president.

The Alien and Sedition Acts

Here's what they actually looked like.