Checkers Speech: Bill Clinton and the Lewinsky Scandal

    Checkers Speech: Bill Clinton and the Lewinsky Scandal

      President Clinton called a press conference after rumors were made public about an affair with Monica Lewinsky, a young intern at the White House. By taking to the airwaves, he hoped to speak directly to the people and put the scandal behind him. He took a page from the Nixon playbook, looking us straight in the eye and saying, "But I just want to say one thing to the American people. I want you to listen to me. I'm going to say this again. I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky. I never told anyone to lie, not a single time, ever."

      Clinton had one problem Nixon didn't have, though.

      He was lying.

      He did have sexual relations with that woman. Seven months later, he was back on TV again, this time in a speech devoted entirely to the scandal. He even looked as somber as Nixon after Watergate as he admitted having the sexual affair and lying to the American people about it. Like Nixon, he thought that this prying into his personal life was part of a larger politically-motivated attack that had been going on for years.