The Church and Prejudice: What's Up With the Title?

    The Church and Prejudice: What's Up With the Title?

      "The Church and Prejudice"

      Churches have always been a popular target for accusations of hypocrisy—saying one thing and doing another. And, hey: it's hard not to be a little hypocritical when Jesus is the ideal and flawed humans are the reality.

      But Douglass is looking at a very specific type of hypocrisy: the fact that the Church claims that Jesus is for everyone, while segregation and other forms of racism are rampant within the institution.

      In "The Church and Prejudice," Douglass examines several times he's encountered prejudice against black people in the church, and then he goes into where that prejudice comes from, finally concluding that slavery is the main cause of prejudice against black people in the church—and everywhere else, for that matter.