The Great Arsenal of Democracy Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around The Great Arsenal of Democracy? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. FDR was the first U.S. president to regularly talk to the American people using the radio. What did he call these evening radio conversations?

Fireside with Franklin
Presidential Powwows
Fireside Chats
Chief Chats
Q. Who was the leader of Germany's Nazi Party during World War II?

Adolf Hitler
Benito Mussolini
Joseph Stalin
Emperor Hirohito
Q. According to FDR, the people of Belgium are suffering as Germany uses the country to attack Britain. What would the Germany use against the U.S. in the western hemisphere?

Azores Islands
Pearl Harbor
South America
Q. FDR said freedom for people in this country would not "be permitted as an amazing pet exception" if Germany was successful in conquering Britain. Which country was he referring to?

Q. In line 180, FDR says American allies are becoming stronger, because those people value _____________ "more highly than they value their lives."
