The Great Arsenal of Democracy: The Full Scoop (Sentences 12-23) Summary

It's Not Pretty…But It's True

  • Germany, Italy, and Japan signed an agreement in Berlin on September 27th, 1940 where they swore to go all Medieval on the U.S.'s butt if Americans interfered with their business.
  • The Nazis are crazy with power, and they want to dominate Europe and enslave entire populations. Hitler's all cocky and confident and thinks he can beat anyone.
  • The Axis (Germany, Italy, Japan) say there'll never be peace between their way of life and the American way of life. We can't even begin to try and make peace until the Axis agrees to stop trying to take over the world.
  • The British and the Greeks are fighting to contain the Germans and the Italians, and the Chinese are duking it out with the Japanese.
  • Plus, the U.S. fleet is ready to go in the Pacific Ocean.