House Divided Speech: Trivia

    House Divided Speech: Trivia

      Lincoln delivered copies of the "House Divided" speech to newspapers for publication, but since the copy was handwritten, some papers messed up the opening paragraphs. When he gave the speech, he had one of the typed, incorrect versions…but being the pro that he was he fixed it as he spoke. (Source)

      Abraham Lincoln is the only U.S. President to have a patent. It's for a type of adjustable buoyant chambers for boats. What a dude. (Source)

      Abraham Lincoln's superior wrestling skills earned him a place in the Wrestling Hall of Fame as an "Outstanding American." (Source)

      You can go visit the hat Lincoln was wearing the night he was assassinated, if you're ever in Washington, D.C. (Source)

      To foster the idea of Lincoln as an honest "rail-splitter" in the 1860 presidential election, his campaigners (the candidates generally stayed away from the campaign in those days) carried around parade axes as emblems of Lincolns folksy roots. (Source)