A Left-Handed Commencement Address: Section 4: We Should Go Our Own Way (45-62) Summary

My Way or The Highway? The Highway Sounds Great, Thanks.

  • In order to live as women, we've got to do some things separately. (Like go to a women's college. Boom.)
  • But, it's not a battle. Women can't be against men, because then they're still playing by men's rules.
  • So it's all about finding our own game, as women.
  • Women need to live life on their own terms.
  • Machoman (the nameless, faceless personification of the patriarchy) is afraid of women's terms, because they're not always rational or based on competition.
  • So it's been Machoman's plot all along to disenfranchise the female parts of society, like helplessness, weakness, illness, the irrational, and the dark depths of life.
  • All of these things are left to women because the Warrior (another personification tool) didn't want any part of them. So that's why women are nurses and not doctors, civilians and not warriors.
  • Le Guin calls this the "night side" of our country, and we'll never reach the "day side" of it until we stop trying to do it following the men's' rules.