A Left-Handed Commencement Address: Section 5: Her Hopes for the Graduates (63-68) Summary

In Which Le Guin Lays Down Some Serious Truths

  • She hopes that women can learn to be more comfortable in their own roles as women.
  • That the graduates will go on to do their work in the "night side" of society, whatever they're good at, be it science, art, being a CEO or a housekeeper.
  • And that while they're doing their work, they should demand equal pay, because it's not second-class work just because a woman is doing it. (You tell 'em, Le Guin!)
  • She hopes that they can find success without it requiring other people's failure.
  • She hopes that if they are ever defeated and in pain, that they can remember that the darkness is their country—and it's that way that their future lies.