Horton Hears a Who! Lines 125-171 Summary

Au Contraire

  • As soon as the words are out of Horton's mouth, a bunch of jungle animals (those nosy kangaroos and apes!) come out of the woodwork to say that they're tired of Horton talking to his "imaginary" friends. 
  • The Wickersham Brothers and their entire family have decided that they're going to cage up Horton and boil the speck of dust in a kettle of Beezle-Nut oil.
  • Horton is horrified. And to be honest, so are we. 
  • Horton calls out to the Whos and tells them that they must make as much noise as they can so that the other animals will believe that they exist. 
  • Genius!
  • The Whos go for it: they start screaming out to literally save their own lives. But sadly, none of the other animals (except for Horton) hear anything at all. Must be those big ears.
  • Poor Horton. The animals lasso him up even though he fights back pretty hard. He yells to the Mayor of Who-ville to never give up.
  • Cue tissues/inspirational poster.